Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My First entry..

Here we go! After my first year at Humboldt, I have learned a lot about life, and not just from school. I moved a total of 5 times, from Blue Lake to McKinleyville to Arcata to Sunnybrae and I am finally settled into my house here in Sunnybrae and love it! I only have 5 minutes to summarize my year here so far but it has been a fantastic and bumpy ride. I thought I'd start this blog for a little reflection. This is a good way to keep everyone updated to so here we go. I have worked all year at the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge doing a lot of science and labor. One thing I learned is that science can be very physical. Our main goal at the refuge is to eradicate Spartina densiflora from the bay. It is a nasty invasive grass from Argentina and it is out competing all of the native plants in the marsh. I have struggled this year with trying to decide if killing a plant even if it is threatening is really what I want to be doing with my life and if it is all worth it, but my boss Andrea Pickart  the ecologist there (one of the coolest bosses ever) really helped me by saying her goal here is to restore diversity so that these environments can be resilient to environmental stress caused by global warming and other such disasters. I am working on a seed bank study to see if there is a persistent seed bank for Spartina to see how many years we have to go back and pull new seedlings.
I also have been doing work trade at the yoga studio which as totally kept me sane throughout my crazy busy summer!
Ok well I think I got the hang of this, more to come but now I gotta run or I'll be late for yoga!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful whirlwind of a year! Keep it up! :)
