Friday, December 24, 2010

My work and play is never done

Just to start off, I must admit I am addicted to Humboldt.

A lot has changed in the past 5 months but I am still in Sunnybrae and things are still excellent there! I have been able to make friends and keep friends as roommates so far and am loving every minute I spend at home! I did have one roommate go, Hoon, an amazing woman who I have had the pleasure of living with and getting to know, her mother came over from North Carolina for a visit and planted a veggie garden for us! WOW! But Hoon is going to make some real great impacts out there in the world. She is going to Senegal to work with medicinal plants and gardening until August. I will miss her so much but I am so happy that she is out there working hard for the world! What an inspiring person! We did get a really great girl to take her place in the house though and she goes to Mexico every summer to help with alternative technology in the villages there. Amazing people doing amazing work I love it! So I don't know if I mentioned school much before, but I am majoring at Humboldt State in Ecological Restoration and I decided that I am in love with soils so I am minoring in Soils. It is really cool actually because if I get any natural resources degree with a soils minor I can apply to any soil scientist position with the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Although as it is right now I am perfectly happy as a contractor for Fish and Wildlife Service, but I may want to expand my horizons someday. Speaking of work, phase 2 of our seedbank study is currently under way with other monitoring projects going on in the dead of winter- kind of strange but I'll take the hours! It seems as though this work will never really be done, which in a way is good for job security but at the same time I feel a little bad for not putting in many hours during the semester. But this was a very tough semester for me! I took classification of soils, agroforestry (which is basically permiculture), Plant ecology, and Rangeland Resource management, which were all very demanding classes! I also took inscape and landscape which was a philosophy class which we read Consilience by E.O. Wilson, Small Wonder by Barbara Kinsolver and Bringing it to the Table by Wendell Berry. All very influential authors in my life and in my education.
Meanwhile I have been so inspired by the music and art and the people here in this community! Just to give a taste of the shows I've been going to:

The community of drummers here is so strong! I have only gone to one class but there are community classes on drumming, not to mention all sorts of other circus acts and juggling workshops, and dancing classes, the more I get involved the more this place feels like home!
Also, I am about to get more ink done because I finally found a tattoo artist who has impressed me as much as the tattoo artist that I had in Portland. Tom Harley at rebellion tattoo!!/tjharley762
I am getting a moon rise with this symbol:

In the landscape, and then a Ceanothis Silk Moth in the center of my back. This will be in many phases but in the end I will be so HAPPY! It is a dedication to my mother because music was our connection and the moon represents the feminine heritage. Love it!
Well now it is Christmas Eve and I am ready for bed so Merry Jingly To All and To All a Great Night!!!!

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